This weekend Students in Middle and High School Ministry will be presenting their “Souper Bowl of Caring” skits to help raise awareness for those in need at each Mass. The “Souper Bowl of Caring” is nationally recognized to mobilize youth across the country to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and those in need. We will have a soup pot collection for this effort after all Masses during Super Bowl Weekend on February 2 & 3. Be a part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need and please give generously!
St. Pio Usher's is hosting a Deluxe Breakfast on January 20th from 10:00am - 1:00pm, in the Social Hall. Breakfast includes: scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, cheesy potatoes, toast, coffee, tea, milk or orange juice. Adults $8.00, Children 3-12 $4.00
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, is a Holy Day of Obligation. On this day, we are reminded of the role that the Blessed Virgin played in the plan of our salvation. Christ's Birth was made possible by Mary's fiat: "Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
The St. Pio Parish Pork Chop Dinner is Saturday, December 1st, from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Cost is $12 for Adults & $9 for Children ages 3 - 12. Dinner includes: 2 pork chops, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, roll & butter, coffee and tea. Children's dinner is a half order.
Come join Santa for Breakfast, on Sunday, December 2nd, from 10:00am until 1:00pm in the St. Pio Social Hall. Cost is $7.00 adults, $4.00 children ages 3 - 12 and free for children 2 and under. Get a picture with Santa for $5.00. Enjoy a full breakfast, cookie decorating and a coloring contest.
The Youth Ministry Christmas Ham, Kielbasa & Pierogi Sale has begun, featuring Srodek’s Market & Dearborn Brand Products. All orders, paid in full, must be received by December 10th to the Parish or Faith Formation Offices or drop in Collection Basket. Pick Up will be: Thursday, December 20th, from 4:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. in the St. Pio Social Hall.
The annual Giving Tree tradition has begun at St Pio Parish, and will continue through December 9th. Please leave the gifts unwrapped with the tag attached to it. Gift cards may be returned to the Collection Basket at Mass. Love Thy Neighbor gifts may be turned into the Christian Service office or left in the front vestibule.
Advent by Candlelight will take place on Sunday, December 9th at 4:pm, in the Parish Hall. Please join us for an afternoon of Scripture, music, food and fellowship. To reserve a table or a seat , please call Angie Ventimiglio 586-293-8166
The St. Pio Men's Club Wreath and Grave Blanket sale has begun. You must place your order no later than November 11th. For more information, please call 586-872-8813, or email [email protected] See order form under "Documents" on home page of website.
Food Drive 2018 began on October 6th and runs through November 4th. Please select a bag located in the front church vestibule and purchase the items that are listed on it. Return the filled bag to Church or the Christian Service Office. Your donations will be used to feed the families seeking food assistance during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. For more information, please contact the Christian Service Office at 586.777.9116 #3.
We are pleased to announce, as of October 2, 2018, 399 out of 1638 households have pledged $75,033.00, that's 100% of our target, toward our CSA goal! We are very grateful for your generosity and support!